Wednesday, November 6, 2013

I Wish I Wasn't Blind

(original 10/1/2010)

Just one more Bruce Springsteen song title. More than that tonight. Tonight, for me, it's so much more than the song, the letters strung together in the lyrics of grace and beauty. For just a moment, before the wine kicks in, before that incredibly beautiful phone call, it's about the evil, the sadness, the struggles in the world. Fruitless, hopeless.

And then, just as I've snuck into the secret corner, isolating myself away from the darkness, I see another basket full of people who are saying no to the the crap. And yes to the light. Good tidings to all the folks out on the Washington Mall tomorrow. Glad tidings to the millions of young and old everywhere who daily put on their angel wings and fly for freedom and peace.

Cheers for the millions of arms lifting up the right time of day, sun smiling with them as they walk the walk tomorrow at the mall.

Cheers for my young son, gathering up friends, slapping together peanut butter sandwiches, bottles of fine beverages, presented with laughter and dignity to the homeless flock on the streets of San Francisco.

So I guess I don't wish I were blind, really. I wish that others, all the others would see. A world of sunshine, the world I tend to keep alive in my heart.

Missing You

Grape vines forty eight inches tall 
climbing the trellis 
Kept in place with thin white strips of plastic
Leaves growing rust where once a bright green spoke 
to the early sunshine.  

Flitting birds the color of a soft winter breath
catch the lip of the feeder
Whisking off to the privet tree full of bright purple berries 
One sneak into the seed of life.

Christmas Lover

*(originally published 12/26/10)

The bathtub snuggles her
in the warm blue water.
This time pink takes a back seat.

Alone tonight
with her dreams for company
the memory she keeps locked up for safe keeping.

The feel, the touch of his fingertips on her soft, young skin
the lightness of his touch

Was it last week? Or a hundred years ago?

Champagne in a sippy cup, crystal flutes safe on a shelf

Oh, night divine.